Alpha Chapter One
After this entry the subsequent chapters of LETLAR will be posted at the site above.
This will remain my personal blog
Chapter One of the Alpha Writings
The beginning
It is not necessary for us to go all the way back to the beginning.
For it is not the job of the agnostic to claim certainty where others have done so.
It is the job of the agnostic to evaluate what is the truth based on logic and reason.
It is the job of the agnostic to hold multiple ideas in their head until one
emerges as a champion. It is the job of the agnostic to know when the champion has been beaten.
We only need to go back as far as is needed for our purposes.
To the beginning of thought. The beginning of the use of reason and logic.
In the beginning was questions. Why is it raining? Why is the ground shaking?
Questions gives rise to speculation.
Speculation gives birth to dogma and our present quandary.
Speculation and ritual are not the enemy. They should be seen as the birth mother of all that the agnostic holds as ideal.
Speculation is our beginning. It is the first attempt at man to seek and explain the truth of the world around him.
It is the birth of god. Not the otherway around. We attempt to describe our world. To show cause an effect.
With limited vocabulary and understanding we came to limited conclusions. This is not the fault of those who came before us but it is there gift to us. The ability to seek out what we don't know and explain and define it with celebration.
It is a gift we can only receive by seeking to further our understanding. We disgrace those who came before us when we accept what they did.
When we define the world using their vocabulary.
We create beginnings everyday. This too is a begging it is a middle and end. It is celebration of what makes us unique. Today at this begging I
invite you to celebrate with me our thought. Your thought. Your attempt to explain the world around you. We seek to provide no answers
only a forum for this celebration.
(Anyone else have so good thoughts on the beginning?)
This will remain my personal blog
Chapter One of the Alpha Writings
The beginning
It is not necessary for us to go all the way back to the beginning.
For it is not the job of the agnostic to claim certainty where others have done so.
It is the job of the agnostic to evaluate what is the truth based on logic and reason.
It is the job of the agnostic to hold multiple ideas in their head until one
emerges as a champion. It is the job of the agnostic to know when the champion has been beaten.
We only need to go back as far as is needed for our purposes.
To the beginning of thought. The beginning of the use of reason and logic.
In the beginning was questions. Why is it raining? Why is the ground shaking?
Questions gives rise to speculation.
Speculation gives birth to dogma and our present quandary.
Speculation and ritual are not the enemy. They should be seen as the birth mother of all that the agnostic holds as ideal.
Speculation is our beginning. It is the first attempt at man to seek and explain the truth of the world around him.
It is the birth of god. Not the otherway around. We attempt to describe our world. To show cause an effect.
With limited vocabulary and understanding we came to limited conclusions. This is not the fault of those who came before us but it is there gift to us. The ability to seek out what we don't know and explain and define it with celebration.
It is a gift we can only receive by seeking to further our understanding. We disgrace those who came before us when we accept what they did.
When we define the world using their vocabulary.
We create beginnings everyday. This too is a begging it is a middle and end. It is celebration of what makes us unique. Today at this begging I
invite you to celebrate with me our thought. Your thought. Your attempt to explain the world around you. We seek to provide no answers
only a forum for this celebration.
(Anyone else have so good thoughts on the beginning?)
I wil be back, when sober.
Sober now…
In the Beginning by Rocketstar
In the beginning man was ignorant, ignorant of much of the world around him. Ignorant of Earth’s shape, Earth’s formation, Earth’s trajectory and motion in our solar system. People were ignorant of influenza and how it worked. People were ignorant of the incredibly massive, unfathomable size of the universe. People were ignorant of almost everything around them including how we came to inhabit this little blue dot we call Earth.
They were ignorant due to their inexperience and place in the evolutionary timeline. As the ignorance began to decrease due to experience, science education etc… things started to change. Take for example the Ancient Egyptians, thousands of years B.C.
Most aspects of Egyptian religion can be traced to the people's observation of the environment. Fundamental was the love of sunlight, the solar cycle and the comfort brought by the regular rhythms of nature, and the agricultural cycle surrounding the rise and fall of the Nile. Egyptian theology attempted, above all else, to explain these cosmic phenomena, incomprehensible to humans, by means of a series of understandable metaphors based upon natural cycles and understandable experiences. Hence, the creation of a series of Gods, such as Re the Sun God and Ptah the Earth God.
As man progressed, he still had no answer to the greatest question of all, how we came to inhabit the Earth. In order to quell the desire for an answer, he came up with an answer, just as the Ancient Egyptians had, and created myths that provided the answers. Humans have a hard time dealing with those things that they can not yet explain.
Knowledge is power, purported knowledge of mans origins may be the ultimate power.
Face but you also test it...that is what I am talking about. Test the world and sound stage that you have been given...Great thoughts Man
Paul great stuff. I may need help rolling all of this up into a singular whole
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