Sunday, April 30, 2006

Alpha Chapter Two

Chapter Two

Question: Shouldn't it be the job of every human being to question, to evaluate what is the truth? And do these questions only pertain to faith, or to all aspects of life? And if it is the job of all humans to question, then does that mean that in some way, all humans are agnostics?

Questions and evaluations is an important part of the battle of LETLAR. Equally important in this equation is accepting the answer. Changing the paradigm that we view the world through and acting on new information to come to a greater understanding of the world. Questions are good, but if we do not replace our believes with the new answers that we come to we fail to grow. We then become a culture that bases its observations of the world and its out comes on mysticism and intuition. Intuition is a valuable component is guides us but should not be the dominating force when we are endowed with the gift of thought.

For example I may intuitively think the world is flat. I may question its shape. But until I discover and incorporate the answer that the world is round into my life I cannot move my thought forward. Until I understand that it is round navigation in this world and space is difficult. Predicting Weather patterns is close to impossible. Questions are good but we grow when we use the assumptions that they lead to as new platforms for understanding the world.


Blogger Rocketstar said...

Nice, good stuff. I seriously see a book in here somewhere man, sign me up.

All humans are in fact agnostic in the sense that nobody has the provable, testable evidence to prove the existence of a supreme being; nor can anybody rule out its possibility.

I think you hit it on the head when you say that as long as we do not replace our unprovable beleifs with what we actually know to be fact, we can not truly move on as a species.

"Questions are good but we grow when we use the assumptions that they lead to as new platforms for understanding the world. "
--- I don't quite understand what is meant here?

11:19 AM  
Blogger Brianinmpls said...

I guess what I mean there is that questions are good but alone they are not enough...we have to incorporate the answers that the lead too into our lives for any real progress to be made for example it is good to question where we came from and how we got here but when the answers lead us to DNA and the rise of complex systems and we fail to incorparate that into our thought process and use that answer from the question to realize new ways of looking at the world then the question we started with has no real value?...if that makes sense?

4:48 PM  
Blogger Brianinmpls said...

Thanks for the pill and the help on Friday and i had a great weekend!!!!

4:48 PM  
Blogger Rocketstar said...

Makes sense.

I want DETAILS. ;o)

7:15 AM  
Blogger lauren said...

I'm glad I provided fodder for a post, here! :)

"Questions and evaluations are an important part of LETLAR, and equally important is accepting the answer." But just as questioning is important, isn't it also important to know when you need to continue to question? It is possible to not be satisfied with the answer you receive and continue questioning.

I guess what I'm saying is that there won't always be a situation where the answer can be accepted. In which case, are you stunting your growth?

And if you do always accept the answers to your questions, are you just blindly accepting and becoming a sheep and therefore screwing up the purpose of questioning in the first place?

10:01 AM  
Blogger Brianinmpls said...

I would content that there is always at least a righter answer that can be over written when a better one comes along.

You could be my long lost love. If you are even in Mpls and looking for a tall dark and handsome...moderately successful drunk to take you out let me know.

12:28 PM  
Blogger Brianinmpls said...

btw everybody I didn't want to put any links on this site without checking with people let me know if you want to be linked and I will add you

12:33 PM  
Blogger lauren said...

I only go out with tall, dark and handsome underachieving drunks. Sorry. :)

All kidding aside, though, despite my devout Catholicism I'm really interested in what this whole LETLAR thing is about. And I'm sure I'll continue to add my two cents where appropriate!

10:16 AM  

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