Thursday, May 04, 2006

Random LETLAR Point of Interest

Instead of saying Bless you when someone sneezes the new saying in LET you.

TGIF is Now TLIF (Thank logic its Friday) After all it is not a random event that Fridays happen on a MOD 7 basis

We do not "pray for" but are "mindful of" there is the heavy distinction here that we are not asking others to solve our problems but are still empathic and vocal to our fellow human beings in their time of need.


Blogger lauren said...

TGIF could mean Thank Goodness Its Friday, you know.

Some of our phrases (i.e. God Bless You, which by the way started with the American Indians) aren't religious in nature anymore. Must you always rail against God?

6:20 AM  
Blogger Rocketstar said...

Yeah, I stopped sayiing God bless you a long time ago and now say the German, "Gadzuntite" (sp?) whihc menas "Good Health".

8:37 AM  
Blogger Brianinmpls said...

Lauren I am not rallying against god but rather the assumptions that we place on him. I am rallying for an increased understanding of what the world is and in during that I think that it is a worth while task to look at and examine the rituals that we do everyday that are embedded into our culture and call people on it....and likewise have them call me on it

7:44 AM  
Blogger Brianinmpls said...


I like the examples about prayer but I would contend that both of them are all examples of being the plane you are mindful of yourself and the fear and emotions that you are feeling and dealing with it in a way that helps to reduce anxiety. you are mindful of mortality aware of your life and dealing with it in a way that we have all been taught...if that makes sense?

7:48 AM  

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